My mind has been filled with so many exceptional thoughts of our Lord today. From His incredible peace to His Star of Bethlehem, the Lord’s greatness truly shone among and with us on this day.
I’m struck by the extreme sense of quiet that brought such a settling to my ears.
The Lord’s peace was present, and through His guidance, we were able to see more from Him.

At day’s end, we were ready to see the Star of Bethlehem, the bright star that led the three wise men to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we became enamored with the Star, we looked on in wonder, discussing how the wise men would have seen the Star and its brightness at that time.
How so relevant and timely that the Lord would cause us to see His greatness in this way this year.
Let us always remember the Lord’s glimmer of light, how His presence shone so bright for us, and how He drew our attention to His goodness. Even as the world changed around us, the Lord brought together a marvelous experience: The Star of Bethlehem – one for all to see and always remember.