Saturday, July 27, 2024
Building Faith Inspiring You! Radiant Woman Radiant Woman Summit

Friends, I Have God’s Affirmation, and So Do You!

We all have been given something. As I read my Bible before bed yesterday evening, I was reminded and affirmed by what the Lord has given me. I’d written out these affirmations a few years back as I taught a lesson during a PS Radiant Woman video chat and stuck the note in the front […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

There’s Beauty in Your Storm: It All Works Out for Your Good

There comes a time in life when you begin to evaluate the seeds that you planted along the way. You know, like the things you have invested into and given your time and energy to over the years. You look back and you begin to wonder, “Did I make the right decision, or would my […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘Persistently Pursue Justice, and Know that God will Surround Those Who Have Surrounded You’

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Power of Persistence Will Help You in Your Pursuit of Justice’ – Part 2

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Power of Persistence Will Help You in Your Pursuit of Justice’

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Year of Completion,’ from Two Hearts as One

It’s the day of our anniversary, and we felt led and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share this testimony on our seventh-year anniversary, because we know that God has ordained for this to be the year of completion. We believe that we will know peace; we believe that we will know prosperity; and we […]

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Repairing the Altar and Completing the Work of Rebuilding

A Time of Preparation, V: Repairing the Altar and Completing the Work of Rebuilding From the series, God is Building New Process in You. As we discuss A Time of Preparation, the first segment of the ‘Building’ series, we discover the necessity of learning how to become prepared as God moves us into new seasons defined purpose.   […]

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Balance Inspiring You! Journey Radiant Woman

Accomplishing and Affirming the Work that the Lord has Placed Before You

I started my morning with coffee. I grinded it (well, my husband did), then placed my coffee grounds in my clever dripper. I also made my husband and me an omelet as I began my day. I entered my office and pulled out my daily planner. These are the task assignments that the Lord has […]

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Start with Diligence

Are Our Works Measuring Up to God’s Standard?

Are our works measuring up to God’s standard? “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17 NIV Are our daily actions reflective of Godly truth and wisdom or, are they a mere form of godliness? When the day is […]

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Faith Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Experience God’s Intended Purpose for You in this Season

Sometimes you feel like you can’t move, and it’s for good reason. God is holding you still. Allow yourself to experience God’s intended purpose in this season. At times you may feel as though you should be moving, but in these moments you will find you’re right where God wants you to be. Be still, […]

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Faith Inspiring You! Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

God’s Joy Within and Around Us

Today I experienced the joy of the Lord in many different experiences: Resting in the Lord’s presence Observing a bird perched atop trees Enjoying a bright and beautiful Ethiopian coffee while watching my dog frolic in the sun Receiving and reconnecting with a classic novel, The Secret Garden Dinner and a Medieval-themed TV series Finishing […]

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Faith Inspiring You! Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

With God’s Strength, Overcome, and Walk into New Spaces!

When you look back and see the places that you have walked through, you realize that there is nothing you can’t overcome with God’s strength. As my husband and I reflected together this evening, we recalled some of our hard health challenges and their experiences and how the Lord not only walked us through but […]

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Homemaking Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman Recipes

God Brings New Progress and Joyous Experiences

Each day brings a new experience and an opportunity to make progress. I had a few tools stored in one of my kitchen cabinet drawers, and I recently moved them to new homes, which made room for me to better utlize my kitchen drawer space. After having my morning coffee today, I found myself pulling […]

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Faith Homemaking Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

The Transformative Power of The Lord’s Peace

I was really quite tired and was a bit drained today, so limiting my involvement was important to my health and peace. Since I wasn’t feeling quite like myself, I decided to take things a bit slow, eat a little breakfast (yes, coffee made an appearance!), listen to my Bible reading via audio today, and […]

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Faith Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

I am Overwhelmed with God’s Love and Peace

It’s a quiet day. There’s no ruckus or commotion…just the quiet hum of the oven and the quiet calm of the Lord’s presence in the atmosphere around us, and I. Am. Overwhelmed…with His incredible love and peace. May the Lord overwhelm you with His incredible love and peace on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day. P.S., Kaye […]

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Faith Inspiring You! Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

Look to The Lord in Every Season of Our Lives!

Isn’t it amazing how God is present in every season of our lives? In the seasons we flourish, God is there to affirm us. When seasons become challenging, God is there to uplift us and give us His hope, joy, and encouragement. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions […]

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Faith Finding Passion Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Walking in Affirmation and Believing Who God Has Called You

We sometimes get used to our ‘every day,’ and don’t realize how affirmed we are. God expects us to walk in confirmed affirmation, recognizing the importance of who He has called us to be. Affirmation can come through many different ways, so be ready to receive your positive word when it comes your way. Take […]

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Homemaking Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman Recipes

Of All the Wonderful Things: Dinner & Decor

I became inspired to bring about some decorative seasonal elements to my home today. I’ve been wanting to add in the textures and tones of this season, so I lit my gifted Waterford candle and got to work. If you’re a wine person like me, adding some color and depth may come a little easier […]

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Business Faith Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Move with Godly Purpose, Motivation, and Focus

Today was a good day. The quiet, calm, and relaxing environment created a peaceful space filled with opportunities to draw close and near to The Lord – a space of learning in Christ, reflecting, and relaxing in God’s position and purpose. With the accomplishments of the weekend set upon a firm foundation, I have gained […]

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Faith Finding Passion Inspiring You! Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

Our Experiences Tell the Depth of Our Story

I’ve been going through some old boxes in my garage lately, organizing them and placing things in categories for use in the office, the kitchen, around the house, craftmanship, and seasonal activities. In going through my most recent boxes, I have been finding droves of material from early in my career as a project controls […]

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Balance DIY Faith Finding Passion Inspiring You! Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

How to Cross Things Off Your List

This season for me has been all about lists and accomplishing everything that God has for me to do. It’s time to cross them off! In particular, this season has been about moving forward, getting things done, and ensuring preparations and a firm foundation for the next season. Over the past few days, there were […]

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Faith Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Using God’s Daily Experiences to Inspire Our Tomorrows

We experience so much in our day-to-day life, and there are times where God’s experiences within them fuel our inspiration for tomorrow. As I reflect upon my day, there were so many significant moments that were recognizable and that inspired my pursuit for what God has prepared for us to accomplish. 1). Experiencing Nature: Sometimes […]

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Marriage & Love

A Storm, A Path, and A Love Story

The Day When Opportunity Presented Itself Again… Don’t be afraid; we all must step out and take possession of our blessing. From the sidewalk I could see her through her patio sliding glass door. Her burgundy curtains were open today – disassembled blue wire bookshelf scattered across her living room floor and her two doggies […]

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Balance Faith Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

God is My Strength, My Ability, and My Reason for Living!

Keep focused on God. Continue to pursue Him. He will see you through. Every day, we just ask God for His perfect strength, and He will motivate us, comfort us, prepare us, and will help us win in His accomplishments. Don’t ever lose sight of God’s goal in you; because, if He places it within […]

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Marriage & Love

A Storm, A Path, and A Love Story

Allow the beauty of your union to go beyond your wedding day. Hubbie Seneca Howard: I had been seeing you on my runs, but I lacked the courage to speak. A storm gave me an opportunity to speak. “Do you need some help with your patio furniture?” were my words. When I heard your voice, I knew that you were my wife. I will always be grateful to God for that storm. In […]

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Balance Faith Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Keeping a steady focus and staying motivated

Staying focused and motivated to accomplish that which you set out to do will help you meet your goals. Each day’s “task list” may look a little different, but the work thereof is still necessary and relevant to help get you to your goals. Setting goals and milestones along the way is important: it helps […]

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