Wednesday, January 22, 2025
The Year of 2020

4 Nights of Reflection

In the remaining four nights of this year, I will satisfy God’s given topic, reflecting upon the blessings and lessons of the Year of 2020.

In the Year of 2020, we have gained an opportunity to turn our hearts and ears unto the Lord. We have also gained the blessing and lesson of having a teachable spirit.

When we turn our ears unto the Lord, our ability to hear Him better grows, our hearts toward Him increases, and our obedience to Him strengthens.

The things that He shares with us suddenly don’t seem too strange, and our desire to follow Him becomes easier. Have we truly lent our ears and hearts to Him in the Year of 2020?

God is looking for a world, a people, that responds to Him – a remnant ready to carry out His Will designated within us. There is life more abundant and free there.

Have our hearts been so hardened towards God that we have not been inclined to hear His voice? O, what shame it would be to experience the results of not having yielded to His will!

There is a lesson and a benefit to having a teachable spirit. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. God’s voice is not one to be tuned out; rather, it is one to incline our attention to and to be captured by the very nature of its presence.

Have we gone about for so long yielding to the will of ourselves and that of society that we have forgotten just how to recognize the voice of God? How then, when the Lord tells us a way that we should go, does our refusal to listen come rather so easily?

The Lord is giving us an offering of a new opportunity. If we would pause just long enough to hear the breath of His voice upon us, we’d recognize a difference that was needed to be met, and respond with diligence unto our Lord, Saviour and King.

He is the way, the truth, and the life; and no one comes to the Father except through Him! So do not despair in His teachings, rather, we should draw ourselves to them!

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches!

The Lord is trying to tell us something, but are we lost about in our own way? Let the Year of 2020 be a stepping stool on how we lend our hear unto the Lord, following the Holy Spirit’s guidance; for the Lord is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The Lord will always lead us into all truths and understanding.

Say this prayer with me:

Lord, give me your ears, so that I may hear you more perfectly. Give me your heart so that I may follow your given direction. Lord, please make me new. I will accept your given will; I want to follow You.

Having a teachable spirit really means lending our ears to God and yielding our will to Him so that He can guide us, direct us, and shape us into who He wants us to be. The Year of 2020 has taught us so much about both listening and responding to God’s voice so that we do just what He has called us to do. It’s recognizing how much our own wills need to be shapen, and through it, if we become more teachable, it proves how much God can use us for His intended purpose, therefore yielding blessings beyond our whole imagination.

Listening for the Lord and looking for the Lord were two valuable criteria of 2020, and if we listened and looked on with a willing spirit, He was willing to cleanse our hearts and walk us into all righteousness.

These are some of the Blessings and Lessons of 2020.

P.S., Kaye Howard

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