Thursday, February 13, 2025
Faith Healing Marriage & Love Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

Funny how God motivates you.

Funny how God motivates you.

In the past few days I haven’t been feeling well at all. I’ve been exhausted and have been experiencing some nerve strain.

So, needless to say, I’ve only been interested in keeping my movements and load pretty light.

After sleeping for a few hours today, I decided I was going to be intentful about getting up. It was about 3:30pm on Sunday afternoon, and I knew I needed to eat, but I just wasn’t motivated to get food started. We’d already done some meal prep in the days prior, and instead of grabbing from some of our meal prep, I’d been snacking lately.

Because I’d been snacking so much with the smaller meal items – I really wanted a couple spoonfuls of trail mix – I figured I should probably go ahead and fix myself a full meal. Slowly, I pulled out the salad items that we’d pre-cut. Slowly the pre-made chicken. Slowly cut the cucumbers and tomatoes…boiled the eggs…stop to check my PC…warm the chicken…fix my water…

I was moving a little better, faster after all of my mini-moves.

I was excited yesterday evening about seeing my new tomato seedlings sprout, so as I waited for my boiled eggs to cool down, I went to my sunroom to move their planters from the sunroom to my front window so that they can catch some sun before today’s sunset. I visited my dog along the way – he only wanted to jump and play, lol.

As I came back in to put the final toppings on my salad and to move from prep to the kitchen table, I realized that there was a peaceful, yet motivating calm in the light in the room. It was at that moment that I realized that God has motivated me today, and I thought to myself, “Funny how God motivates you.” God then instructed me to open the blinds at the dining table and to enjoy the light as I ate. As I walked around the table after opening them, I almost went back to close them a bit because I thought it was quite a bit of light more than was present a little while ago. But God cautioned me to not close them – it was His motivating light, wasn’t it?

After sitting at the table, and starting to eat, I began typing this blog. I’d intended to just blog from the thought of the experience. As I sat here eating and blogging away in the quiet, my husband came around the corner, then sat at the table, then shared that God instructed us to do something. After a little while of waiting for me to finish up eating and blogging, he grabbed his phone and turned on the speaker, asking me to “Rise.” I didn’t catch what he said at first, and he again said that he’ll need me to “Rise.” I stood up, and he turned the music to “I’m Going to Love Her Through It” by The Isaacs and asked me to dance. In his early morning experience in prayer and meditation with God, he’d wanted to share the same experience with me, saying, “hopefully, this is a motivation to you.”

It was a sweet, peaceful, and beautiful dance – a reassurance given by God and a motivation crafted expecially for the now.

P.S., Kaye

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