Saturday, July 27, 2024
Faith Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

God’s restful peace

I always look forward to Saturdays.

From coffee to dinner, the Lord made today such a calming and relaxing one.

I got up with a mind to do a little sprucing here and there and to catch up on the little things.

For some reason, I was inspired to roast coffee. And there I was. Three roast sessions later and I now have enough coffee to accompany my morning meditation time with God for a few good weeks.

I am so happy.

Sometimes God adjusts your plans, and, hey – that’s OK! What He did for me was give me an opportunity to focus on things I’d long been looking forward to. God’s plans led me to focusing on what needed to be completed – God even made room for me to make a nice healthy and hearty meal over jazz at the end of the day!😊

I am glad that the Lord filled my day with His great experiences. Because of this, I am filled with His peace.

Are you letting God make changes that make room for you to experience His peace?

P.S., Kaye

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