Friday, January 17, 2025

I missed the Sonrise, but I caught the Sonset

I was able to see the sky light up with God’s glory this evening.

Over the past few days, I had been waking up early to view God’s sunrise, and it has brought me so, so much joy.

I started off enjoying the how the beautiful morning sunrays glistened throughout our living room, and because of the leading of the Holy Spirit to “go check something out,” I was met by the sunrise itself. I have been waking up every morning at 7:07 AM to see God’s glory ever since.

Today I missed it. My alarm clock rang, and because I was awake throughout the night and because I believed there would be an overcast due to predicted thunderstorms throughout the day, I told myself it was OK to sleep in a little. The next time I woke up, it was 8:23 AM, and I hadn’t planned to sleep that long. I jumped out of bed and ran to the living room to check the window which was relayed with puffy white clouds. I ran to the dining room window to see if sparkles of sunlight could be seen through the trees. Overcast. I assumed the sun was masked by clouds today and went back to laying down.

Later in the day, we enjoyed a grilled meal made special by my husband, and after a day full of movement, I hunkered down for a phone call and then took an evening nap. I woke up at 8:10 PM to my surprise of bright daylight beaming from the sides of my curtains. I jumped up! As I peeked from the side of them, I realized there was a beautiful sunset waiting just for me.

I got myself together and ran to see the beautiful sky that the Lord has painted. And, even amidst the clouds, the glory of The Lord God shined so beautifully through.

I am glad God awakened me to see the sunset today. And even if the sun still shined through the morning clouds, I know God’s light was meant for me to see.

In what ways has The Lord been sharing with you? Share your story, too.



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