Thursday, February 13, 2025
Finding Kaye

What is our BEST effort for God?

After a few years of what seemed like the longest separation of space and time, I am now able to satisfy my desire to continue forward with Passion Series.

There’s just one little thing…

I still don’t seem to have the time.

I talk about Passion Series ALL of the time. I desperately wanted to get back to it, but business, timelessness, weariness and other pertinent things didn’t allow for me to be as hands-on as I’d like. I’ve been mentioning it more and more these days, and in hearing my desire for it, my husband gave one simple, yet effective solution: Write down three sentences that summarized your day at the end of each night, let that be the day’s blog, then turn it into a larger more in-depth blog at the end of the week, allowing it to serve as a source of inspiration to those who read it. Then, I will see my return to Passion Series fulfilled.

Seems easy, right?

So here I sit… just three simple lines. And I couldn’t really figure out what today’s take-away was. What was so inspiring? What is worthy of a recap? Of sharing with others?

I almost gave in. I’m tired, struggled through all day. The goal of getting these three lines recorded came to my remembrance at least three times tonight.

I’m tired, struggled through all day. I really just want to go to bed.


I’d spent a portion of the day sharing with my sister about how hard it had been for me to sleep over the past few days.

As I tried to get a bit of a nap today, all I could feel was pain throbbing in my arms. My right leg shakes profusely. My eyes dart about on their own – a nystagmus – another quirky side effect of my current health position.

I. Am. Annoyed. And tired.

She shares back with me about God’s restoration and peace.


I’m tired, struggled through all day. I really just want to go to bed. I can feel a sleepiness beginning to settle in, and I am totally looking forward to it. Nothing is going to stop me from heading down this path of golden sleep fulfilled. No-thing.

But the need to share those three little lines tugged at me, and tugged at meand tugged! So I sit down, grab my PC, and pay a bill. An email. An account update. A Facebook business page. Instagram. Google Drive. Save. Ok, the blog. Look at stats. Something looks funny… Water. Where’d my water go? There it is. Sip of water. ‘Fridge. Sip of Coke. Oh – phone’s at 80%. I should probably plug that up. Couch. Back to Facebook. I start flipping through old posts of the Passion Series Facebook page, still not yet committing to those three little lines that I must share as my day’s review, still planning to feel the calm and quiet of the room, letting myself slip away into the much-needed restfulness that the calm of my home presents. Then I see it…

That post from February 2, 2016. No fancy graphic, no accompanying photo – only crisp black lettering atop a solid white background: “God requires my BEST effort…no matter what…”

Funny how God brings things back full circle. My very. own. words.

Ah, OK. OK. I see God. This!

Suddenly I know what today’s take-away is and why I must – just must – write about it right now.

What is our best effort for God?

Obedience. We ask for so much from God – things that we deem as “oh-so-simple” things for Him to fulfill. But when He requires a little – just a little – in return from us, sometimes that giving to Him in return is soooo hard. Yet, we still look in hopeful expectation for positive results – for our environment to suddenly change – for God to grant our every day requests in some miracle-esque type of form. Yet, the tiniest miracle is in what we can actually give back to our Lord in order to see His Will manifest in our lives.

What can we give back to Him? How can we be better and reap rewards in our lives? Through Obedience.

I Samuel 15:22 (read vs. 22-24): And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

When we put forth our best effort, in obedience and in accordance with His Will, we will see the fulfillment of His promises and will reap immediate returns.

I really am having quite the bit of fun writing.

For today, I have conquered my “three lines.” I have given back to God my very best.

2 thoughts on “What is our BEST effort for God?

    1. Thank you for sharing your interest, Mr. Howard! I hope you find interest in all that Passion Series has to offer! I appreciate your comment. 😉

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