Thursday, February 13, 2025
Homemaking Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

The joy in homemaking

The past few days my energy has been really low, and I wasn’t really feeling the best. I’d been wanting to get a few things done inside of my home, but I just didn’t have the energy.

But tonight, God gave me a little “boost” to allow me to satisfy some of the smaller things on my list. So here I am, tidying a few things up, making preparations for tomorrow, being careful and cautious from my couch, and setting a calm atmosphere with a little HGTV playing quietly in the background.

I am so glad God allowed me to be able do this tonight.

As a Radiant Woman, there may be many things that God calls us to juggle. But He also gives us rest, where we can spend time to care for ourselves, and a just right focus to care for other areas of our lives that we are called to through Him.

Know that in all areas that you are called to you are full of worth and full of incredible value.

What brings you joy, and are you taking time to nurture those things?


P.S., Kaye

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