Thursday, February 13, 2025

“…A Beautiful Whole”

Sometimes we see things differently when God settle us in a new place. It’s an opportunity to see better and do better.

When we give up our reluctance to fear and give in to Godly obedience, God will begin to open doors of favor in our life.

God has already had favor stored up for us because of His promises, but movement has to take place on our behalf in order to garner release of it.

So don’t be afraid; God is working things out for your good and for your ‘better.’

A Commonplace Life

“A commonplace life,” we say, and we sigh;
Yet why should we sigh as we say?
The commonplace sun in the commonplace day.
The moon and the stars, they are commonplace things,
The flower that blooms, and the robin that sings;
Yet sad were the world and unhappy our lot
If flowers all failed and the sunshine came not!
And, GOD, who considers each separate soul,
From commonplace lives makes a beautiful whole.
– (Author Unknown)

Let God do His Will and His fragrant handiwork show fruit in your life.

P.S., Kaye

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