Prayer to God is a powerful tool, indeed. It is a source to keep us rooted and connected to our Lord. But, often, we get used to talking, forgetting to yield in reverence and listen.
God is the Almighty, but He is also our Savior. In our prayers to Him, we must recognize that He sees all, hears all, and knows all.
Never imagine that He is not with you or that He is ignoring your prayers. Realize that in our desire to be heard that He will prepare an answer for you. As you pray to the Lord, be honest in your respect for Him; your prayers will never go unanswered. His desire is that we honor Him as He opens doors and leads us into safety and into His perfect understanding – a place where His voice will be clear and His methodologies and movement visible, if we are open to receiving it.
Will you seek the Lord with reverence; will you open your heart to His response?
P.S., Kaye