Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Faith Finding Kaye Marriage & Love

Floor Seats for FOUR SEATS

Tonight was one of THE BEST experiences of my LIFE.

Words cannot begin describe how this evening has made me feel. The blessings of God’s favor was sooooo good, that the stresses and strains of this week, the week past, and even today can only be seen as a blip on the map.

“How would you guys like floor seats?”

The only thing I wanted today was to experience calm, peacefulness and the perfect pre-Valentine’s Day treat – a seat at the Michael Bublé concert. What God did for us today completely outweighed all of the negative things that had occurred in the day earlier and in the days before. It even outweighed all of the positive plans I’d scheduled for us.

In November, we’d purchased nosebleed seats to the February concert and decided to go with a few friends. As the week of the concert grew nearer, I began looking forward to what a wonderful experience that this may be.

Ticketscheck. App downloadcheck. Dinner with friendscheck. Go to concertcheck. Everything had checked off – or so I thought.

As we made our way to our seats, we stopped by an attendant who could show us along the way and to ensure that we were headed in the right direction.

“How many are in your group?”


Pointing – “These four, or these four?

“These four.”

“How would you guys like floor seats?”

:-ooooooo [jaw drop] – and, yes, I started jumping around like a little kid!

Sometimes on the way to experience our plans of “goodness,” God allows us to experience that and some – He gives us a little extra to smile about. He honors and rewards your faithfulness.

While I write from a place of excitement, having experienced an extra blessing, you have no idea how this turned my whole upside down day right side up. It was like all of the stressful things that I’ve experienced and pressed through in the past week alone just, *poof*, just gone…fizzled away…

Right now, I am really just in a thankful place – thankful that God chose to bless us in this way. Thankful that He’s placed us in careful fellowship of the truest friends. My husband, Pastor Seneca, continues to speak of the Lord’s favor, recognizing that the Lord is making good on the promises that He has spoken to and over our lives.

Lord, I am grateful that you saw fit to share a special gift with your daughter, Karen. Lord I am grateful for the fellowship of good friends. Lord, I am grateful for the direction and guidance you have set before us – I am ever so thankful for your promises, and I continue to watch and experience with joy as your purpose and promises become fulfilled in our lives. Lord, I am grateful for my husband, thankful for his leadership, thankful for his trust and confidence in a loving and purposeful God.

– P.S., Kaye –

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