Saturday, July 27, 2024

Repairing the Altar and Completing the Work of Rebuilding

A Time of Preparation, V: Repairing the Altar and Completing the Work of Rebuilding

From the series, God is Building New Process in You. As we discuss A Time of Preparation, the first segment of the ‘Building’ series, we discover the necessity of learning how to become prepared as God moves us into new seasons defined purpose.


God is summoning His people as Elijah did in 1 Kings 18:30, and He wants to complete His process within you. So, let Him complete His work, and let Him rebuild the altar within your heart.

Rebuilding and maintaining the sanctity of the altar within our heart helps us stay connected to God. It can become our meeting place and time of fellowship with God. As Elijah turned the hearts of God’s people back to Him, he used this process to rebuild God’s altar.

  1. Elijah was on time and at the appointed destination (1 Kings 18:29, 36). When God is ready to begin a new process in us, He often takes us through a structured set of steps to complete the foundation for His desired outcome. Time is a process of preparation. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that “There is a special time for everything. There is a time for everything that happens under heaven.” God is building a new process in you. It is going to be incredibly important for you to be on time and at the appointed destination in this season.
  2. Elijah laid the groundwork and built in a logistical way (1 Kings 18:31-32). As you work to prepare the groundwork on which your foundation is to be built, God will lead you through an ordered process to establish His purpose in you. Laying the groundwork accurately includes a defined set of given instructions that help us complete the process in a patterned and an effective way. It requires building in the right environments and logistical planning; using the right resources; not wasting your time and energy; and allowing balance and structure to be a part of your process.
  3. Elijah built from the ground-up (1 Kings 18:36-37). Elijah rebuilt the communication between the ground and heaven. When he offers a prayer on the repaired altar, God offers Him a response. As we walk through God building new process in us, there are yet many small pieces that make up the finish. Although they are yet small components, they are meaningful to the big picture that God wants us to see. In this new season, a time of preparation, let nothing and no one consider God’s work in you as “a small or minor thing.” And don’t be discouraged as He takes time with you.
  4. Elijah used the measuring tool of righteousness and justice (1 Kings 18:38-39). The Holy plumb line was used to reveal the things that were out-of-sync with God’s standard. When God uses such a tool, He intends to separate and create a systematic movement in the lives of His people through rebuilding or building a new process in them. The Holy plumb line is always in perfect harmony with God – and this should be our position in Him as He builds new process into us as well.
  5. Complete the work of rebuilding the altar (1 Kings 18:39). This altar that God is building into our hearts will be the place that He can respond to us. It will be a sacred place – an area of established sanctity and purpose. It is a secret place of intimacy and deep fellowship with Him. Embrace this space, and let go of the things that are common because God is leading you to a place of newness and allowing you to step into an unfamiliar territory of worship, reverence, and commitment to the new process that He is building within you.

Has this series impacted you? Stay connected and continue to explore much more of the first segment, A Time of Preparation, through videos, social posts, and other interactive tools that we will share within the ‘Building’ series!

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