Friday, July 26, 2024
Faith Finding Passion Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Doing Your Best Before God

With each day, we may encounter a different set of circumstances. But in any day, you can set your goals before the Lord and seek His will to accomplishing.

Set your thoughts on Godly progress, and He will guide and direct you on what and how to achieve.

Since we all know that “Rome was not built in a day” (my mother often shared this little nugget with me), then we should take this example and apply it to our learning. Making progress in simple or significant steps both lead us to achieving the grander goal: finishing, and with accuracy and integrity. You want your work to be both a job well done and honorable to completion. Don’t settle for cutting corners; don’t even settle for self-exhaustion. And don’t worry – you will get it done!

It is important to remind ourselves to trust the blessing that is in God’s gifts and talents and to walk in His process to completion. We don’t have to become overwhelmed, hasty, or exhausted; but we should always seek to put forth an effort pleasing to the Lord – in the outcome and in how we view ourselves.

Working in a way that brings honor to God, trusting His Will, and walking in the blessing of gifts He has given to us will produce Godly success.

And this is the best congratulations one can ever receive!


P.S., Kaye

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