Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Finding Passion Inspiring You! Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

Seeds of Encouragement

The past few months I have been really focused on sticking with God’s pattern designed for me. I’ve been creating goals and meeting them. I have really been leaning into God in pursuit of those things He has prepared me for and designed for me to accomplish in this season of my life.

And I want to stay on that path.

As I pursued God in thought and mind tonight, He had me reach for one of my new goal books that I’d originally intended for use with Passion Series. Since it hadn’t yet been used for Passion Series, I decided to repurpose it to share my thoughts from another project God had placed on my heart. I sat at my kitchen counter as I continued to pursue The Lord in prayer and began to cry as I asked the Lord to give me courage to fulfill my obiligations of tomorrow. Then, the Lord told me to grab a glass of water, open the notebook, and record my thoughts.

I thought I hadn’t used the notebook, but I instead found such an impactful set of notes God had given me to write to myself just three months ago. God knew I would need it tonight. It was refreshing; it was encouraging; and it was God’s purpose reiterated to me.

Here are the things that my notes to myself said:

Stick with God’s Pattern.

Discover, Learn, and Grow.

Be consistent: You have to be consistent at something in order to win.

Get sufficient rest.

Take care of yourself.

believe in God, and I believe that I can!

Everything is not perfect; but you can take what God gives you in your hands and make something of it.

– Kaye Howard 7-24-2020 😊❤️

The Lord planted seeds of encouragement on that day three months ago – seeds He knew I’d one day need to harvest the fruit of encouragement from. God will always give you the right answers. He knows exactly what you need. At a time when I was wondering if my tomorrow will be successful, a time when I was needing to pursue beyond my fears, God affirmed me and reminded me of my purpose in Him. This was His road map. All I have to do is remember that God gave it to me, and walk in it. And just when I think I am unclear on what and how to pursue next – I know that He will remind me.

I often talk about God’s pattern designed for each of us. God used that same pattern He has given to me and helped me see through the mud and keep at it.

Keep going, and don’t be anxious. For the Lord will always keep you and will set your feet in the right direction along the right path – His path – of understanding.

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7 NIV


P.S., Kaye Howard

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