Thursday, February 13, 2025
Faith Radiant Woman

How A Father Preserves the Gifts of His Daughter

Wow! What a day!

I want to start by telling you to be encouraged! You have what it takes, and never think anything less!

The devil/enemy might try to make you think otherwise; but you tell him that he’s a LIAR!

I want to encourage you to speak goodness and life over yourself. Whatever motivation you have, let God take it and lead you into your purpose!

Keep going strong in your faith and goals. Believe the best in yourself, that you can, and that you are capable! This is not by chance that I am writing this to you. It is because the Lord created value and worth in you, and He wants you to see that! You are valued and cared for by God our Father.

This week I had a dream that my father took something that I had made for him and preserved it with special care. As I watched him handle the gift, I realized that what I thought I was just giving to him as something unique he saw as incredible value. He saw it as worth. And because of his actions, it caused me to see value in what I had given. It caused me to take action to preserve the same gift I’d made for myself. I saw that I should value my gift as my father does. I realized, upon recalling the dream, that my father represented God The Father – that God had blessed me with a set of unique gifts and skills – of which He saw value in and wanted me to see in myself. How long had I overlooked or thought of my gifts as just a regular part of myself? How have I not seen what God has seen in me? How long have I used my gifts without preserving them?

I want you to look at yourself as God sees you. You are unique with gifts and blessings given to you by the Lord God Almighty. What He has given within you He sees as valuable and a precious gift to Him, and He wants you to see it, too!

Always remember the value of the gifts God has given within you. You are that daughter – His daughter, who is cared for and loved and whose gifts are preserved by her Righteous Father God, a Father who sees value and worth in the daughter He has created.

Let God lead you and guide you in your journey. Let Him prove your gifts and teach you how to preserve them.

P.S., Kaye Howard

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