Thursday, December 05, 2024

Radiant Woman


Radiant Woman and Passion Series Founder, Kaye Howard

In November 2019, we officially launched “Radiant Woman!” Radiant Woman is really all about helping the Christian entrepreneurial woman have valuable support, encouragement, and tools for business & spiritual growth. Whether you own your business, work corporately, or are working towards establishing effective new goals in your life… You don’t have to be a business owner; you just have to be about your business – and that’s getting business in God’s way and not our own.

So! If you’re looking for something new; if you’re looking to be refreshed in Christ… then join us – and receive the newness of the Lord!

About spiritual wellness – not just about a collective network of positive support.

Knowing and understanding your worth/value/that you are worth it and that you have something to offer the world around you. There is no need to compare or evaluate your life against someone else’s. Trust and know that you are effective right where you are.

Really came from a place where God began to pull me out of a “settled in” place and let me know that even though we live in a competitive environment, that there is room for me to thrive and be effective in WHO I am and WHERE I am.

God began to petition me to a new level of spiritual growth with Him, and in that was where I began to be aware of my God-given radiance. No one can match your radiance! And, listen, this IS NOT A COMPETITIVE statement.

You have been given a unique pattern, and God just wants you to walk in that, girl, OK!


  • Identify YOU – your name, your strength – get out of that pit of self-pity, of self-comparison, and realize your strength
  • Build you up/motivate/encourage the unique YOU
  • Being effective where you are positioned (family, business, workplace, school, neighborhood, church, etc)

So, I’d like to chat with you. Pull up a chair on Monday, November 11 at 2PM #LIVE @passionseries on Facebook.

You can also Listen in or Chat LIVE with us on Blog Talk Radio: OR (516) 418-5669

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