Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Power of Persistence Will Help You in Your Pursuit of Justice’

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last 4 ½ years some of the details within these chapters have been very challenging for us both.
(To Recap) Kaye
After having returned home from mandatory evacuations, our house had still been without electricity – and had been for a while – due to Hurricane Irma, and we also found that damage had occurred to the back of our home where the sunroom exists.
In small talk one day in a telephone call, one of the representatives of our mortgage company chatted about the recent storm as I asked them about the details needed to set up automatic mortgage payments. I’d mentioned the disaster effects of the storm and lightly mentioned our findings when we had returned from evacuation. They mentioned a program intended to safeguard homeowners as they took care of costs incurred from these types of disaster situations and further asked if I wanted to be passed to the department that handled such. I hesitated, then accepted their suggestion. Although we had already paid the coming month’s mortgage early, the mortgage company’s program applied the natural disaster protection and began sending paperwork to confirm and setup such safeguards.
At the culmination of the natural disaster protection, an additional contractual agreement (in our case, a subordinate mortgage) was to be setup and executed by the mortgage company to ensure that the safeguards were correctly put in place. This agreement lays out and identifies the responsibilities of the mortgage company and the customer, i.e., the mortgagee and the mortgager, thus holding and binding the two to the terms within. We honored our part in principle and in payments, but our mortgage company did not. This set in motion an endless cycle that would lead to many grave injustices.
For the past 3-4 years, we have had to battle against our mortgage lenders in their pre-foreclosure and foreclosure attempts. In their failure to correctly process, address, and apply payments and paperwork, they attempted to unjustly take what did not rightfully belong to them.
Night and day my wife called to inform them of their error, sometimes being on the phone for the full hour-long drive back and forth from Pasco to Pinellas counties. To no avail did her attempts make a difference with the mortgage companies, for it was like talking to a brick wall or to someone who was intent upon not listening.
I can vividly remember being on the phone with one representative who thought she had muted the phone. I could hear her and her co-worker laughing at the situation and circumstances, and to this day I will never forget her words. She stated as she laughed, “Heh! She thinks she’s current…I know, stupid, right? Ha Ha!” What this representative didn’t understand is that I didn’t “think” we were current, I knew we were current, and I also knew that my husband and I had done our part in principal and in payment to honor our contractual agreement with the mortgage companies.
It’s still challenging for us to even think about it, and it’s still challenging for us to even talk about it because we never imagined that we would experience such a grave injustice.
For a moment, we would like to speak to you about “The Chipping Away Effect” and what that process might look like and mean to you. You see, people and society sometimes have a way of making you feel as though you’re wrong or less than and that their nearsighted opinion of you is factual; but it’s not, and it doesn’t have to be. Don’t feel guilty for standing up for yourself, and do not allow the Chipping Away Effect to take root in your life because you are not who they say you are, and you don’t have to be. Walk in the essence who God called you to be, and always remember that this is your identity. “[The Lord] will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday [sun]. So, commit your ways to [Him]; trust Him, and [know that] He will act. Trust in the Lord, and [continue to] do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:3-6 ESV).
I felt as though the actions of our mortgage companies and this representative were that of the Chipping Away Effect, because the behaviors exhibited throughout this course of time were that of the Chipping Away Effect.
There is power in persistence, and the very act of it will help you in your pursuit of justice.
“One day Jesus told His disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. ‘There was a judge in a certain city,’ He said, ‘who neither feared God nor cared about people. A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, saying, “Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy.” The judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, “I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!”’ Then the Lord said, ‘Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will He find on the earth who have faith?’” (Luke 18:1-8 NLT).
We would like you to know that your Heavenly Father loves you and that He will see to it that you receive justice. It is a wonderful thing to know that you don’t have to fight alone and that your persistence will pay off. God has granted us with a great team of lawyers, and we want you to know that you shouldn’t be afraid to seek legal counsel if you should find yourself facing an injustice. If you find it challenging to talk about your circumstance openly, feel free to reach out through private message, and we can share our lawyers’ information with you.
God will bring about justice when injustice takes place within your life. Don’t be weary, and don’t give up, because one day things will get better. We would like to speak better over you, and we prophesy to your circumstance. Every wrong will be made right, and every injustice will be conquered. You will know victory, and your adversaries will know defeat. May you be empowered to conquer and overcome, and may you know victory, in the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!

We bid you all blessings and favor, from Two Hearts as One, Seneca and Kaye Howard❤.

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