We all have been given something.
As I read my Bible before bed yesterday evening, I was reminded and affirmed by what the Lord has given me.
I’d written out these affirmations a few years back as I taught a lesson during a PS Radiant Woman video chat and stuck the note in the front of my Bible as a keepsake.
Sometimes the Lord gently and affirmatively reminds us of the gifts and tools that he intends for us to use in the season ahead, and it is for us to take note of them and be ready to implement them when the moment calls for it.
As you make moves in this new season of your life, take note of those Godly affirmations written over you, and begin to use them as your best resources when it is time. Put your Godly gifts to use in this season, and use them as your best traits.
What are 3 to 5 things that you believe God has written over you? Write them down, and set them as your reminder, for God has already affirmed and made them ready for your use!
With Love,
Kaye Howard at Passion Series