Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Marriage & Love

A Storm, A Path, and A Love Story

A Time Would Come When the Two Purposed Lovers Would Grow Apart…

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As a young man, I watched my grandfather one Sunday evening give comfort to his wife, my grandmother, as she experienced a medical emergency. This wasn’t my first observation of the two of them loving with purpose. You see, in marriage, purpose must always accompany love. It speaks to and drives the motives of your heart. I learned early what influence and walking in the right direction could mean to those who may be looking up to or following you. You won’t always make everyone happy, but the purity of your heart can only be seen and judged by God.

We don’t always have a lifetime to live out our purpose – the earlier you start, the better. Some time later, God would call the both of them to heaven, but the many images and experiences the young man had with them would forever live with, change, and cultivate him. Years later, this young man would see the same type of love, this time seeing it demonstrated in a younger couple. When my friend would speak about his wife, he spoke of her in such a way that inspired me to look for the same in my wife. These two individuals became my brother and sister; in fact, their story is somewhat similar to mine and Kaye’s. Theirs just has a Publix involved (I will leave it to them to articulate and tell their own story). I watched him love her with purpose, and I’ve watched her love him with purpose, truth, and beauty. Awesome and majestic – another true testimony of God’s glory and presence in the lives of His people.

Kaye & Seneca…
We faced and had to overcome challenges and obstacles for a period of time. We even slowly drifted apart, but our connection remained strong. Anything worth fighting for is worth having. The greatest treasure can and will be found in the most difficult places. Don’t give up because of the hard work – ask the Lord for strength, and remain dedicated! Steps and actions had to be taken.

Because faith without works is dead, what you put into it is what you will get out of it. What you water and take care of is what grows. As you wait, date, and make your way to marriage, both parties have to be willing to invest, because to whom much is given, much is required.

God will grant you what you prayed for, but bad company and an unconditioned “you” will hinder, delay, and block your blessing. Condition yourself spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Make the investment into yourself, and be on the lookout for all that God has promised you two – or, just you.

P.S., ‘A Storm, A Path, and A Love Story’ by Seneca & Kaye Howard

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