Saturday, July 27, 2024
Faith Radiant Woman

What is God walking you through?

After the launch of my latest initiative, I realize that God has uniquely positioned all of this for a purpose.

The movement of a new health journey required my obedience – it promoted discipline, balance, and proof: proof that I am capable; proof that I am who God says I can be; proof that I am uniquely gifted for His purpose. I am expressedly excited about conquering important goals assigned to us. I will work them with wisdom, focus, and confidence.

As I step into this new place, I ask God to go with me and guide me; it is well worth the time and effort and effectiveness in doing things in God’s way for His purpose.

I am ready, God, ready with ready excitement for what we are walking through.

What has God prepared you for? What is it that He is walking you through?

P.S., Kaye

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