Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Faith Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

Honoring God with Your Gifts

I want to feel excited about accomplishing things on this earth, but in everything I do I want to make sure that my joy is not only for the things of this earth.

I want to observe the things of God, to complete work for Him, and to abundantly and above all honor Him.

That my thoughts and works for God would be clear, perfect, concise, and meaningful – that I wouldn’t take things for granted and that my desire and intent would be toward Him.

That I would take the time given to learn what He shares with me; that I would walk in purpose (on purpose), and that I would seek after Him.

When this world is over, we will have to give account for our works. And I would rather my works be completed for God than for my heart to be empty and devoid of Him.

I want to make room for Godly works. Let God be the Author of when and how you are to complete His work. Just be willing to step into it, honor Him, and delight yourself in Christ.

He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. – Philippians 1:6

There are: 1) Things to be done on this earth, and 2) Things to be done on this earth for God.

Which one will you choose?

P.S., Kaye Howard

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