Saturday, July 27, 2024
Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

There’s Beauty in Your Storm: It All Works Out for Your Good

There comes a time in life when you begin to evaluate the seeds that you planted along the way. You know, like the things you have invested into and given your time and energy to over the years. You look back and you begin to wonder, “Did I make the right decision, or would my […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘Persistently Pursue Justice, and Know that God will Surround Those Who Have Surrounded You’

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Power of Persistence Will Help You in Your Pursuit of Justice’ – Part 2

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Power of Persistence Will Help You in Your Pursuit of Justice’

We have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to continue to share the details of this testimony. For out of our moment of affliction, God has ordained and called forth the need for change. We still find it very challenging and difficult to articulate some of the details of these chapters, because for the last […]

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Building Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman

‘The Year of Completion,’ from Two Hearts as One

It’s the day of our anniversary, and we felt led and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share this testimony on our seventh-year anniversary, because we know that God has ordained for this to be the year of completion. We believe that we will know peace; we believe that we will know prosperity; and we […]

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Homemaking Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman Recipes

God Brings New Progress and Joyous Experiences

Each day brings a new experience and an opportunity to make progress. I had a few tools stored in one of my kitchen cabinet drawers, and I recently moved them to new homes, which made room for me to better utlize my kitchen drawer space. After having my morning coffee today, I found myself pulling […]

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Faith Homemaking Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Prayer and Peace Radiant Woman

The Transformative Power of The Lord’s Peace

I was really quite tired and was a bit drained today, so limiting my involvement was important to my health and peace. Since I wasn’t feeling quite like myself, I decided to take things a bit slow, eat a little breakfast (yes, coffee made an appearance!), listen to my Bible reading via audio today, and […]

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Homemaking Inspiring You! Marriage & Love Radiant Woman Recipes

Of All the Wonderful Things: Dinner & Decor

I became inspired to bring about some decorative seasonal elements to my home today. I’ve been wanting to add in the textures and tones of this season, so I lit my gifted Waterford candle and got to work. If you’re a wine person like me, adding some color and depth may come a little easier […]

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