Friday, July 26, 2024
Faith Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

The right support

Today I weighed myself and realized I’d been hitting my goals in this new “Refreshed Health Journey.” That just motivated me to set a more intentful goal, and accomplishing it is in sight.

I am thank full for this new journey and for the support of my husband and sister. I am thankful that they, too, are walking this journey with me (in their unique ways😊). I know God has given me the right support, and I am motivated to keep going in order to see the end results! There are more segments to the journey, both short-term and long-term in other areas, but I’m looking forward to achieving all of it!

Are you working on anything new or wanting to move forward on your new journey? Start somewhere, and start small.

You can do it!

P.S., Kaye

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