Friday, July 26, 2024
Faith Finding Kaye

God’s Blessing

The first meal we had in our new home was chicken tender subs from Publix.

We sat there, happy and in love, as we reflected and chatted about our new home. We ate our dinner on little wooden folding tables.

Today, our home is still filled with lots of love, Godly love, and it is filled with joy, love, memories, success, and movement, Godly movement.

A final push came over us today – it was a push of hope, of success, of completion. That God never leaves empty promises. That God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Today I experienced abundance and hope – abundance and hope for the future. Abundance and hope for our now.

Trust and know that God is faithful to move – not just in the little, but in every day big, regular or small.

I find comfort in knowing that I can experience joy, peace, love…and God’s comfort and perfect completion here, right here in His wonderful blessing to us.

P.S., Kaye

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