Friday, January 17, 2025
40 Days to Wholeness Faith Finding Kaye

Seeing it through to completion

One of the biggest things I’ve learned so far on this health and spiritual journey is the importance of exercising hope and seeing things through to completion.

Sounds easier said than done, huh? Yep, I bet it does.

God doesn’t take us on a journey to fail us – or to watch us fail. He guides you on a journey to get you to your next destination – to an outcome that can be life-changing.

Practicing and completing things wholly and with consistency will soon become your new pattern of ease. It’ll be harder to forget it and even more convicting to put it aside.

On my personal health journey, the Lord has required me to maintain 4 simple daily things before climbing into bed at night:

  1. Relinquish my concerns before him (write it down, let it go; can’t pick it back up);
  2. Stretch and massage problem areas in my muscles and body;
  3. Write at least 3 lines a night in my blog (OK, we’re waaaay past 3 for tonight 😉);
  4. And read scriptures towards completing my reading of the complete New Testament

It’s amazing how many times you’ll feel bad, be sick, have pain, have exhaustion, etc…, etc… and relinquish your assignment because of the state that you’re in.

But I challenge you – emplore you – to, even amid the pain, amid your search for the right health plan, amid your fears, and amid you feeling at your worst, take simple steps on what you can do, and the Lord will honor your obedience.

Let’s pray for each other:

Lord, please help my dear friend, sister and brother in Christ to be strengthened as we complete our journeys together. Give us new hope, new peace, and new passion to fulfill your right now will in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Lord, Amen.

I love you with the LOVE of Christ -and that’s really BIG, BIG LOVE!

– P.S., Kaye –

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