Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Finding Passion Radiant Woman

Making the investment into yourself

In this time of resetting, away from the world and the busy of it all, you will find the perfect opportunity to make a personal investment into yourself.

Starting somewhere that puts your goal in sight lines right in front of you and reaching for attainable steps to get it started. Your pursuit, your passion is unique in itself. The steps you take do not have to look like any one other’s – it just has to be the ones that the Lord shares are unique to you.

Finding the comfort and joy in your investments will yield wonderful payoffs -you’ll rejoice in the rewards received when results of your personal investments begin making an impact in your life.

Over the past month, I have made some personal investments into my life. The biggest was clearing out old spaces – in preparation for the season to come, but soooo useful for the season I’m in right now. I am further motivated when I see the results of a day’s end of “plugging in.” And not only that, God has given me time and joy in one of my most passionate areas: coffee – something that is so uniquely personal to me.

Your investment may not look like mine – or anyone else’s for that matter. What it will look like is fulfillment and motivation of passion having been achieved in your life.

So ask yourself: What is it that I will need to begin the pursuit of passion fulfilled in my life. What investments can I make? Where can I start?

Whatever it is that God reveals to you, begin making those moves, and enjoy even the smallest bit of moving forward in passion.

P.S., Kaye 

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