Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homemaking Inspiring You! Radiant Woman

Simple steps make the difference

It’s the simple steps you take that can make so much difference.

I’ve been busy getting things done, but wanted a quick dinner option that didn’t require too much movement. My husband had made a nice pasta & brats medley that I really enjoyed. We were both looking for something quick and with minimal effort.

I remembered I had meal prepped some Banana Walnut & Dark Chocolate Chip Pancakes (for which I’ll have to share my recipe with you all very soon). So to accomplish our goal, my husband enjoyed the pasta & brats while I enjoyed Banana Walnut & Dark Chocolate Chip Pancakes with some fluffy parmesan eggs, turkey sausage, and an incredible Brazil Yellow Bourbon coffee.

See, it’s the simple things that really take you farther!

In which ways can you gain value in simple things or plans that can go a long way?

P.S., Kaye

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