Saturday, July 27, 2024

Using Godly Affirmation for Your Fuel

You are good enough.

In fact, you are enough.

I feel like every so often there has to be reminders of this aspect of positive truth and motivation within our lives.

So, be encouraged!

Now that we have been encouraged, I emplore you to take Godly actions to fine tune yourself and your process.

The LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. – Exodus 14:15

Taking too long to reflect sometimes can hinder our forward process and progress.

So, when you feel like the chips are so-called “down,” be encouraged, reflect on good and Godly actions, then get moving to complete them.

Because, you have been affirmed in the Lord. After all, shouldn’t you walk in that?

– P.S., Kaye –

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