Saturday, July 27, 2024

Using God’s strength to pull you forward

Sometimes we have to realize where we are and where we’ve come from, then use the power of God’s strength to pull us forward.

It seems all too easy to hit a stump or a rock in the road and slip back into the comfort of who/where you once were.

But the Lord says, “Not so!” and you should, too.

Don’t spend time being upset or wallowing in distress or fear; spend time doing. Doing those things that the Lord gave you to get you through. Doing those things the Lord shared with you to keep you in a place rod newness and wholeness in Him.

Don’t let things grow stale or old: every relationship requires motivation.

Start with your re-fresh, and get going. Drop off the old, and make a commitment to keeping on the new. And through all of this, the Lord will bless and keep you as you commit to remaining faithful to His Will and standard that’s been established within you.

Never stop. Live in God’s Holy Pattern…each and every day.

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. – Psalm 107:1

– P.S., Kaye –

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