Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Faith Resurrection

On Resurrection Sunday and more

So I have three days’ worth of stuff to share since I did not share anything yesterday and the day prior.

On Jesus’ Resurrection

Yesterday’s Resurrection Sunday was quite and adventure that I thoroughly enjoyed. These days I am trying to push myself a little farther and learn to take in the experience along the way.

I was worried about the sequence of days’ work set before me and the amount of time required for me to be engaged in it and with others. I didn’t want to push my limits and end up exhausted with lingering “episodes.”

But I found that with the rains of Good Friday came a swing of peace, an ease that God gave for me to experience with pure joy, adventure, and unobstruction.

Saturday morning was peaceful and was blessed by God. Winds of His cool, breezy radiance swirled round about us throughout the day.

Sunday, we experienced the opportunity to share in food, fellowship, and self with others from our church community which brought me joy in so much fellowship. Sometimes you can see that in your giving and sharing that you are really sharing the love of Christ which extends to all. The day was a great one.

Today, Monday, went slightly different than I’d planned or even imagined; but you get to a point of understanding that no matter your own concerns, acts of preparation, or plans to ensure perfection, that God has placed you in a place to be effective, to be sincerely understanding and selfless to those around you, and to demonstrate the love of Christ in only the way that he has designed and given to you to do. Today was a good one, too, and I look forward to experiencing life in this way with my husband, Seneca.

– P.S., I love YOU


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