Friday, July 26, 2024
Finding Kaye


As I sit here, my home is quiet, my atmosphere is one of peace. And I am reminded – that God is here with me. Rain is present.

What does rain mean to me? The voice of God and the promises He has made and shown to my husband and I.

It is in the quietest of moments, when perhaps our heart may be troubled and when our mind has a mind to speak, when the Lord gently reminds us that His promises are true and are dear.

But, amid a troubled heart and rousing thoughts, peace is still and rain is present.

Although things around us may sometimes get cloudy, cluttered and busy with anxiousness, we can look to the Lord for His affirmations to and within us.

“God, I need your help; Lord, please show me…”

Then the rain rustles, showering down in a powerful, yet gentle roar, in a manner that recalls His peace, His voice, and the way in which He has faithfully affirmed you and let you know that His presence is ever so near – and dear.

He reminds you of His words to you, over you and with you.

“I am here. Remember…”

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