Saturday, July 27, 2024
Finding Kaye Marriage & Love


Over the past few days (well, week – from last Monday to today), I’ve had many day’s end thoughts, musings and final “take-aways” on what the days have meant to me. My hands got a bit busy, but it is still necessary that I share what the Lord has given me throughout this time. Here we go:

Monday – Nov. 19 – Our trust in the Lord gives us renewed daily strength – even in the face of presumed obstacles. Let joy remain in your heart. Let the peace of God continue to abide with you.

Tuesday, Nov.  20 – The Lord’s promises over you will be fulfilled. Do not fret, but allow the Lord’s handiwork to be made manifest in your life.

Wednesday, Nov. 21 – Sometimes the day doesn’t specifically turn out the way we have planned. But even when this occurs, you can still take delight in what the Lord has placed in your path. Open your eyes to experiences that are completely and wholly orchestrated by the Lord.

Thursday, Nov. 22 – It’s less about eating. It’s more in giving God thanks and giving to others with selflessness and with a joyful and thankful heart. While we (my husband and I) did get to enjoy time together reflecting over our Thanksgiving day meal, we pretty much spent all of Thanksgiving day in service to others – from start to finish. My husband served at one of the local community resource centers, helping to orchestrate meal deliveries to the homeless and shut in. We cooked a meal for family members who were shut in. We gave a portion of our Thanksgiving Day meal to a man in our community who was in need. When he received it, he was incredibly surprised that it was “hot!” Our take-away was that this is how we’d spend our Thanksgivings from now on.

Friday, Nov. 23  – Sometimes celebrating simply means taking it all in, consuming the peace that God plants around you, and sitting still in that state while allowing God to pour into and restore you. I’m loving the space that we’re in. I’m totally into you, and am thankful of God’s blessing of you in my life. You guys can read more about that here.

Saturday, Nov. 24 – Rest peacefully in the Lord’s presence as He pours into you, restores you and guides you to your next place in Him. Trust in Him, for He’ll never leave you nor forsake you.

Sunday, Nov. 25 – Listen for God. His answers are ever before us.

Monday, Nov. 26 – Take time to reflect. Reflections is where we recall those “things missed,” where we smile at the little moments that brought us joy, and where we thank God for His blessings of allowing us to experience it all.

Be blessed in Him.

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