Saturday, July 27, 2024
Radiant Woman

A Preparative Mindset

I sit here in a preparation mindset ready to receive that which the Lord has prepared and made ready for us.

This is the day on which you have manifested for change to occur. And, I am ready, willing, and able. I am closer now than I have ever been before, as Your Will becomes made manifest in our lives.

I know that You, O Lord, have fully orchestrated this path You have laid for us. So I stand here, ready to receive Your Blessing, and excited to join with You on this new journey? I sit not only in hopeful expectation, but in awestruck wonder at Your breaking into and readying for this new space. However You choose to orchestrate, and whatever the outcome, I know that You will do it in Your Own way; and I know that this is just the beginning.

So, dear Lord, formulate my words, clarify my mind, and let me exhude the beauty and joy of the Lord on this day!

Thank You, God. I love ❤️ You, Lord.

Lord, I trust in You, and I thank You. Great things will come because of You, The Lord.

P.S., Kaye

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