Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yes, God.

Today became one of reflection and awareness.

Amid the quiet, I was able to understand more about myself, realizing areas that God wanted me to be more alert to and to grow in.

Last night, God clearly stated that He wanted me to activate patience. I told Him that I would do it if… Today, after making me aware of His expectations on last night, He tested me in the fire in two separate situations, then He put me into the fire tonight, allowing me to burn both of my hands, wrists, and a portion of my left arm.

Later, after the evening’s events settled down and our home was a quiet, restful state, God brought me back full circle to that place, “Didn’t I tell you to learn patience?”

Here it was, right in front of me.

Yes, God.

And as my day begins tomorrow, a new era in my life begins also, as the Lord works to perfect those things He desires to change on the inside of me.

Yes, God.

– P.S. Kaye –

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