Saturday, July 27, 2024
Faith Homemaking Marriage & Love

A Good Old-fashioned S’uthern Saturday

We woke up today to a good old-fashioned S’uthern Saturday – if you’re from the south, you know that means cleaning, enjoying the calm, peace, and fresh scents, and – grits.

I thank God for my home. I love every bit of it. And I really enjoy those days where the Lord’s Spirit just takes over, brings calm and peace to the atmosphere, and allows us to enjoy all the fruits of our labor.

So, today, that’s just what we did. God allowed us to experience these things through His refreshening, movies, television, and some fried fish-n-shrimp over cheesy, buttery grits – and yes, it was #breakfast for dinner (!My husband will soon be sharing his recipe and tips for beautiful, fluffy and airy eggs!).

The Spirit of the Lord dwells here, and all is well.

What is your favorite and most memorable way to experience the Lord’s refreshing?

P.S., Kaye

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