My husband and I were talking tonight, and as we spoke, he said these words and dedicated them to me: God has blessed your hands. Be confident as you work. Trust His vision that He has given to you, and allow His inspiration to guide your hands. Form, shape, and mold your clay. You can […]
Category: Bible Lessons
Responding to God’s Thunder
Sometimes, we want only the joy, peace, and sweetness of the rain without the thunder that it brings. Thunder can be often be an intense voice that stirs up fear; without a doubt, it is a magnificent impact. That’s just what the Lord is doing these days: He’s making an impact and calling us to […]
Following God’s direction for your best benefit
When God gives us a new sense of direction, it is up to us to follow for our best benefit. It is for our own good; it is for our success; it is for our spiritual development in Him. Scripture says that God’s ways are not ours. His ways are above ours. Isaiah 55:8-9 says, […]
Thank You, God!
I thank God for providing wisdom, insight, and teaching on the very things that I had questions about. And He did so through the wisdom given to my husband. I thank the Lord for His clarity, peace, and protection – for giving me what I need. Remember: The Lord will always give exactly what you […]
The sanctity of rest
It is important that in all we do to take rest. Whatever way you do take rest, it is important that we stop, rest, reflect, and take time to look at one another and to love on each other. “In six days the Lord made heaven and Earth, the seas and all that in them […]
Letter to God
Lord, reflecting upon this day, I thank you for your mercy and grace. I thank you for your kindness. I thank you for my husband. He brings me #joy. Thank You, God. If you could write a short letter to the Lord, what would it br? P.S., Kaye
Decisions of Godly Value
Only what do you do for Christ will stand. That is the only thing that will matter. So it is important that the time the Lord gives us here on earth is made useful that our actions are carried out according to His standard. It is critical that our time is made of good use, […]