Holiday Wreath Inspiration! Take a peek at my classic & cute holiday wreath makeover! I’ve had this wreath for a few years now, and over the last two years have found excitement in reviving it for each new holiday season. If you have an old wreath that you use from year to year, this is […]
Category: DIY
How to Cross Things Off Your List
This season for me has been all about lists and accomplishing everything that God has for me to do. It’s time to cross them off! In particular, this season has been about moving forward, getting things done, and ensuring preparations and a firm foundation for the next season. Over the past few days, there were […]
The Right Environment is Conducive to Growth
Over the past few months I’d been trying to restart my garden. In years passed, I’ve had a garden that has grown many things, and I have always enjoyed doing so. Pepper plants have always been one of my favorites because they produce flavorful fruit relatively quickly. They’re a plant that keeps on producing. After […]
Waiting on the Lord produces His righteousness
8“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:8-9 So, if waiting on the Lord “renews our strength (Isaiah 40:31),” then why […]
Staying the course
Today’s focus really was about staying the course – – – It’s easy to wiggle around, get antsy, and lose focus when things become distractive or when we give in to our frustrations. But the Bible tells us just how we can handle that type of energy and keep our focus on the topic at […]
Reflecting on God’s Goodness
God’s goodness isn’t confined to only BIG, miraculous outcomes. His goodness is attached to everything He puts his hands on. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. – Genesis 1:31a Take time to reflect on God’s goodness in your life. What has He done for you? How […]
Recharge your focus
So this morning when I awakened, I asked myself, “What shall I do for myself today?” At first sight, the question may seem a bit odd…why, I can do everything for myself! … ?? But today, this question comes from a different place. A place of discomfort, of just mental exhaustion due to the ongoing […]